Drilling tools designed to transmit maximum impact to the rock with the lowest possible energy loss in the drilling process.
Bits, extension drilling tools, tunneling, bolting and drifting tools, tapered rods, integral rods and shank adapters: a complete range with standard diameters, male-male and male-femal configurations, T, R, XT, GT threads, various lengths and different heat treatment options.

Tools for forward drilling of tunnels and bolting, which include hexagonal and round section rods od different lengths, drilling bits of various types, joint sleeves and reaming equipment.
Rockmore range of underground drilling equipment is recognized globally for tunneling, mining and other civil engineering projects.

A complete range of tampered rods and bits for every necessity of manual pneumatic drilling. Una gamma completa di aste e punte coniche per tutte le esigenze della perforazione pneumatica manuale.
Tools able to resist to drilling even the hardest rocks, offered in various tapers, with a full range of handle confgiurations, cross and button bits.